Marek Podraza

Expert, Adult education staff

Marek Podraza, Master of Law, lawyer in a medical company, university lecturer, member of the International Law Association (ILA) - Poland Group, member of the Polish Society for European Studies, expert in international law, author of the information and travel portal @czterystronyswiata.
Marek Podraza, Master of Law, lawyer in a medical company, university lecturer, member of the International Law Association (ILA) - Poland Group, member of the Polish Society for European Studies, expert in international law, author of the information and travel portal @czterystronyswiata.
He is a lecturer in international law and European Union law at the Institute of Legal Studies of the University of Rzeszow. He has several years of experience in delivering classes on aviation and space law. He has been a speaker and participant at many international and national scientific conferences. He is the author of several dozen scientific publications in the field of international law and European Union law. He has theoretical as well as practical experience (research assistant at the University of Valencia, Spain) in the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme.
He is a graduate of the University of Rzeszow with a degree in law.
His passions are swimming and travelling. 