Integra Training commences in Skopje!

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the Integra Training for Trainers in Skopje! The program is designed to pilot training methodologies as a key component of the Integra – Fostering Migrants Integration with crowdfunding take part in the training., with a goal to equip 20 youth educators with knowledge and skills to elevate the market-related competencies of young migrants through the application of non-formal education methodologies.

Comprising six interconnected modules, this training methodology functions as a cohesive unit, furnishing practical tools that empower both educators and young migrants. The aim is to foster growth and success by transferring knowledge through effective non-formal education strategies.

4 representatives of the Fundacja Instytut Europejski / The European Institute Foundation and Piotr Uhma, President of the Foundation and coordinator of the Integra – Fostering Migrants Integration with crowdfunding take part in the training.

Many thanks to Ampersand for organizing this fantastic event!
